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  • 워크캠프 검색·신청

    워크캠프 검색·신청

    지역 / 주제

    Age 19+ / 10
    18-07-08 TO 18-07-28
    전체 설명
    건설 보수
    ● 주요내용

    Visit website for more information- http://www.montpelier-vt.org/parks/index.cfm

    WORK: Volunteers will be working on a variety of projects, including trail improvement work (shoveling, raking, using a wheelbarrow, etc.), some habitat management (removal of destructive plants) along with occasional general park maintenance. The group will also assist in preparing for and running a weekend park festival. Since volunteers will be working during the festival, we will take a couple days off in the middle of the week to give volunteers get some free time. Much of work will involve some level of hard physical labor. The group will be immersed in a small town in an international group that will work with park staff and other volunteers.

    Study Theme:
    Migration: This year the Alliance, an umbrella organization for European voluntary service, has set MIGRATION as the study theme for all projects. Prior to arriving at your camp we are asking you to think about and gather data about how issues surrounding migration affect you or your country. For example:
    · 1. Have people migrated into or out of your country and if so when or why?
    · 2. Do people migrate within your country without leaving your country's borders?
    · 3. Have you or your family experienced migration in a personal way?
    We look forward to exploring these and other issues around migration during your project.

    ● 위치

    Montpelier is the capitol of Vermont with a population of 8500, making it the smallest capitol in the U.S.

    *TERMINAL: Bus to Montpelier, Vermont.

    ● 숙박

    Accommodations will be at the local Trinity church with that will have facilities for
    cooking. Sleeping will be in two big room on rustic “cots.” Showers will be available at a different location. Be sure to bring your
    mattress pad and sleeping bag! Be sure to tell the other volunteers and the co-leader if you have any special
    diet needs.

    ● 언어


    ● 특별 요구사항

    *Be ready for hard, physical work and rugged conditions, but plenty of rewarding experiences,
    adventurous fun and incredible memories. Bring proper clothing and footwear for working outdoors in the sun or rain.

    ● 중요사항

    [방한복 준비 안내]
    야간에는 추울 수 있으므로 따뜻한 옷을 챙겨가시기 바랍니다.

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 침낭을 반드시 준비하시기 바랍니다.

    ● 기타

    LEISURE ACTIVITIES: During free time volunteers will have access to local parks and recreation areas. The summer weather
    is usually good for visiting some wild and beautiful swimming areas. This workcamp is known for hard work and adventurous
    play since the staff here enjoys hiking, canoeing and other activities and is willing to lead the group in those types of activities.]
    There will be time for interaction with the local community so please bring information about your country, hobbies, and life to

    ● 참가보고서


    International Workcamp Organization

    이사장 염진수   |   고유번호 : 105-82-65584
    07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호   |   TEL : 02-330-2400   |   FAX : 02-330-2483

    © International Workcamp Organization   All rights reserved.