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    A Week to Remember


    A Week to Remember: Reflecting on an Unforgettable Workcamp Experience

    Volunteering at a workcamp proved to be a life-changing experience, where I encountered kind, funny people and sweet young students, engaged in various activities and games, created a meaningful symbol with an artist, explored beautiful places, savored delicious cuisine, and formed deep connections. This essay delves into the highlights of this one-week volunteering camp, capturing moments of joy, laughter, and camaraderie, while also acknowledging the bittersweet farewell that touched our hearts.
    Part 1: Bonds Formed with Kind and Funny People
    The workcamp brought together volunteers from different walks of life and different nationalities, and the camaraderie that blossomed was truly heartwarming. I was struck by the genuine kindness and humor displayed by my fellow volunteers, which instantly created a positive and welcoming atmosphere. The constant laughter and shared inside jokes made even the most challenging tasks feel enjoyable. We supported one another, shared stories, and discovered that despite our diverse backgrounds, we were united by a common desire to make a positive impact on the world.
    Part 2: Heartwarming Experience with Sweet Young Students
    Interacting with the young students during the beach cleaning activity was a highlight of the workcamp. Their enthusiasm and innocence were infectious, and we quickly formed connections with these bright souls. The day of games and activities that followed was filled with fun and laughter, even if our team faced defeat in every game. The joy and excitement on the students' faces made winning or losing seem inconsequential. It was a humbling reminder of the power of simple pleasures and the joy of connecting with others.
    Part 3: Creating Art and Symbol Despite the Rain
    Working alongside an artist to create a meaningful symbol was a unique experience that brought out our creativity and resilience. Despite the relentless rain, we found refuge in a well-protected greenhouse, thanks to the kindness of the institution's director. The shared determination to create something beautiful and impactful kept us going through the challenging weather conditions. In the end, the symbol we crafted became a powerful representation of unity and cooperation among the volunteers.
    Part 4: Exploring Beautiful Places and Savoring Local Cuisine
    The workcamp's location on the island was a true paradise, offering stunning landscapes and enchanting places to explore. From playing on the sandy beaches to enjoying a day of fishing, every moment was filled with joy and appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounded us. Additionally, the local cuisine was a delightful journey for our taste buds, as we savored the island's traditional dishes and local delicacies, further connecting us to the island's rich culture.

    Part 5: Bittersweet Farewell and Lasting Memories
    Saying goodbye to the friends I made during the workcamp was undoubtedly the most emotional part of the experience. The deep connections forged over the week made parting ways difficult. Tears were shed, but they were a testament to the impact the workcamp had on each of us. The memories created and the friendships formed will forever hold a special place in our hearts, serving as a reminder of the beauty of human connections and the power of coming together for a common purpose.
    My one-week workcamp experience was nothing short of transformative. The bonds formed with kind and funny people, the heartwarming moments spent with the sweet young students, the resilience displayed during the creation of the symbol, the exploration of beautiful places, and the appreciation of local cuisine all left an indelible mark on my heart. Though saying goodbye was painful, the lasting memories and lessons learned will stay with me forever, motivating me to continue seeking opportunities to make a positive impact on the world and forge meaningful connections with others.

    Manel Rouis ㅣ 2023 Workcamps in Korea (IWO-71) 


    International Workcamp Organization

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