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    워크캠프 검색·신청

    지역 / 주제

    Age 19+ / 15
    Had Samran
    18-04-04 TO 18-04-17
    전체 설명
    ● 주요내용

    Had Samran, workshops, art and music festival will be organized for the second year in April 2018. Four days workshops will be followed by a music festival on April 13th, the day of the Buddhist New Year. Thai, international and local volunteers will prepare the whole event. The DaLaa workcamp and its volunteers will be included in the bigger team and each one can take part at her/his own scale.

    AIMS of the PROJECT
    -To support and be part of Had Samran volunteer team.
    -To inspire and get inspired by each other.
    -To exchange techniques, knowledge, wisdom, experience, cultures, dreams … through the workshops and daily life.
    -To continue to improve the social life of Had Samran village and offer more possibilities to local people to join common activities.

    WORK AND ACTIVITIES: The 4-5 first days will be used to prepare the workshops, decorate the area and few building (stage, tepees, garbage, shops, toilets, kitchen, compost…)
    Then the next 4 days will have workshops and animation. Volunteers will organize/ join these workshops while other will continue the concert preparation for the big event on April 13th.
    We will make some daily meetings and organize teams for each task needed. So the work can be really various or specialize in one task (cooking, decoration, garbage, security, animation, a workshop you want to lead…) We need your full motivation and support.
    On April 14th will be cleaning days and we will take 2 days holidays to relax together on 15-16.

    ● 위치

    Samran beach,Trang, Southern Thailand

    ● 숙박

    Volunteers will sleep in tepees we will build close to the beach. You can also bring your tent or hammock if you prefer, a sleeping bag or a small mattress if you want to be more comfortable. There are basic toilets, showers and a kitchen that we will organize before the start.

    We have a chef used to cook for large amount of people and a team of volunteers will help him. We will cook rice (or noodles) 2 times a day with side dishes like curries, omelettes, local leaves and vegetables. Volunteers will be welcome to cook their own food using the ingredients available there. (No oven, only a gas and woks or pans).

    ● 언어


    ● 특별 요구사항

    * 현장납부비용 : 8,000 Baht
    [현장 납부비 안내]
    본 워크캠프 참가를 위해서는 현장 납부비를 현장에서 직접 납부하셔야 합니다. 자세한 사항은 [국가별 참가비>워크캠프 참가비 운영가이드 보기]를 참고해주세요.


    ● 중요사항

    [비유럽 워크캠프 안내]
    아시아, 아프리카, 중남미의 워크캠프를 신청하시기 전에 아래의 페이지를 꼼꼼히 읽어보신 후 워크캠프를 신청하시기 바랍니다.

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 개인용 침낭을 반드시 지참하시기 바랍니다.

    Volunteers should be able to handle spontaneous working environment and constant changes in the plans. The work may be demanding and you will not have much privacy. We hope to organize activities with the children and teenagers. To have responsibility for you, the people around and full involvement in community matters is a must. For the 2 weeks, you will be leaded by a DaLaa member/staff who will help to coordinate the project and other individual volunteers.

    ● 기타

    PROJECT PAGE: http://www.dalaa-thailand.com/wordpress/projects/short-term/5605-2

    ● 참가보고서


    International Workcamp Organization

    이사장 염진수   |   고유번호 : 105-82-65584
    07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호   |   TEL : 02-330-2400   |   FAX : 02-330-2483

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