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    워크캠프 검색·신청

    지역 / 주제

    SEEDS 016
    Age 19+ / 10
    19-03-21 TO 19-03-29
    전체 설명
    환경 교육
    ● 주요내용

    Description of the partner organizing/hosting the project:
    The Environment and Sustainability learning camp allows participants to share and learn about global and local issues through theory and practice. If you are concerned, for example, about climate change, waste management, animal protection, sustainable solutions and other environmental topics then this project is for you. Local Icelandic environmental issues as well as issues from the participants countries will be addressed.

    Description of work:
    Please note this project is a learning/sharing camp, in which everybody is expected to contribute their own knowledge and experience, and not a standard workcamp. The main focus of this camp is to learn about different aspects of environmental and sustainability issues through a selection of workshops, discussions and visits. Topics may include issues like renewable energy, food waste, and sustainable practices such as collaborative consumption or veganism. The over 2 million tourists coming to Iceland every year leave a mark on the country. This camp will help you to be an environmentally aware traveller and consumer. Participants also get the chance to visit local projects focused on the environment, such as a visit to a local recycling centre whereby a tour of the plant is given and the activities are explained. The group will also visit a Geothermal power plant and have a guided tour of the facilities via interactive multimedia installations, wall displays and presentations to learn about Iceland s geothermal energy utilization. SEEDS participants may also get a chance to improve the local environment through hands-on volunteer activities. In most cases, the camp includes a day or two of voluntary service but in some cases it will not be possible, as the weather does not always allow activities to take place outdoors.This is a camp that combines learning, sharing, exploring Reykjavik, and having fun. Participants should also use this opportunity to share something abo

    ● 위치

    Reykjavik is a dynamic, modern city which lives in harmony with beautiful nature, using renewable energy sources - geothermal- and hydropower. The world s northernmost capital bridges the Atlantic, between Europe and North America. Reykjavik is spread across a peninsula with a panoramic view of the mountains and the Atlantic Ocean on almost all sides.During this time, there are great events for design lovers, the Design March (March 28-31), which is Iceland s most important annual design festival. The festival s eleventh edition will take place in 2019, transforming the most northerly capital in the world into one big venue for design. More details at http://honnunarmars.is/

    The nearest airport: KEF in Reykjavik,Iceland
    The nearest terminal (train-, bus-, taxi station): Bus station: Central Reykjavik (BS).

    ● 숙박

    SEEDS participants will stay in a house in Reykjavik. The facilities are basic with showers, kitchen, washing machine and everyone is expected to show consideration for their companions. Participants will sleep in shared rooms in a sleeping bag accommodation. Please bring your own sleeping bag. Participants from other projects may also stay in the house for part of the time.We will receive food supplies and the group will be in charge of the cooking and cleaning activities. Do not forget some traditional/typical food, drinks, music and/or recipes from your home country for the international evening.

    ● 언어


    ● 특별 요구사항

    * 현장납부비용 : 350 Euros
    [현장납부비 안내]
    본 워크캠프 참가를 위해서는 참가비 외 현장납부비를 현장에서 외화로 직접 납부하셔야 합니다. 자세한 사항은 [국가별 참가비]를 참고해주세요.

    ● 중요사항

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 침낭을 반드시 준비하시기 바랍니다.

    [방한복 준비 안내]
    야간에는 추울 수 있으므로 따뜻한 옷을 챙겨가시기 바랍니다.

    [아이슬란드 워크캠프 특징]
    1)아이슬란드 항공권 & 미니버스
    아이슬란드 수도(Reykjavik) 이외의 지역에서 개최되는 워크캠프의 경우 캠프 기간 전후로 최소 하루의 여유를 두고 항공권을 준비하시기 바랍니다.
    아울러 아이슬란드는 대중교통이 발달되어 있지 않아 아이슬란드 기관에서는 수도 이외의 지역에서 개최되는 워크캠프의 참가자에게는 저렴한 가격의 교통수단(미니버스)를 제공하고 있습니다. 참가자들과 미팅포인트에서 만나 함께 캠프 개최지까지 미니버스로 이동하며, 미니버스 관련 내용은 합격 후 인포싯(infosheet)을 통해 안내드립니다.
    아이슬란드 워크캠프는 다른 국가의 워크캠프에 비해 참가자들의 자유시간이 많은 편입니다. 자유시간은 캠프 리더와 참가자 간의 상의 하에 결정(문화 교류, 근교 여행, 휴식 등)될 수 있습니다.
    3)방한복 구비
    아이슬란드는 비바람이 잦고 한 여름을 제외하고는 날씨가 매우 춥습니다. 따라서 방한복 및 방수복을 준비해 가시고, 여름에도 긴 소매의 옷을 가져가시는 것이 좋습니다.

    ● 기타


    ● 참가보고서
    SEEDS 016
    Age 19+ / 6
    Environmental Easter in Reykjavík
    18-03-21 TO 18-03-29
    전체 설명
    환경 교육
    ● 주요내용

    The Environment & Sustainability learning camp allows participants to share and learn about global & local issues through theory and practice. If you are concerned, for example, about climate change, waste management, animal protection, sustainable solutions & other environmental topics then this project is for you. Local Icelandic environmental issues as well as issues from the participants’ countries will be addressed.

    Please note this project is a learning/sharing camp, in which everybody is expected to contribute their own knowledge and experience, and not a standard workcamp. The main focus of this camp is to learn about different aspects of environmental and sustainability issues through a selection of workshops, discussions and visits. Topics may include issues like renewable energy, food waste, and sustainable practices such as collaborative consumption or veganism. The over 2 million tourists coming to Iceland every year leave a mark on the country. This camp will help you to be an environmentally aware traveller & consumer.

    Participants also get the chance to visit local projects focused on the environment, such as a visit to a local recycling centre whereby a tour of the plant is given and the activities are explained. The group will also visit a Geothermal power plant and have a guided tour of the facilities via interactive multimedia installations, wall displays and presentations to learn about Iceland‘s geothermal energy utilization.

    SEEDS participants may also get a chance to improve the local environment through hands-on volunteer activities. In most cases, the camp includes a day or two of voluntary service but in some cases it will not be possible, as the weather does not always allow activities to take place outdoors.

    This is a camp that combines learning, sharing, exploring Reykjavík, and having fun. Participants should also use this opportunity to share something about issues in their home country with the group of international participants. Participants should be ready to walk around the city for different activities, visits and sightseeing.

    ● 위치

    Reykjavik is a dynamic, modern city which lives in harmony with beautiful nature, using renewable energy sources - geothermal- and hydropower. The world’s northernmost capital bridges the Atlantic, between Europe and North America. Reykjavík is spread across a peninsula with a panoramic view of the mountains and the Atlantic Ocean on almost all sides.
    Reykjavik is often called “the nightlife capital of the north”, but there is more than pubs and clubs. It also gathers the most interesting of Icelandic culture. It is an incubator of new ideas & styles which often indicates new global trends. It is an International city with a lively cosmopolitan cultural scene surrounded with beautiful nature.

    TERMINAL: Closest international Airport: Keflavík/Reykjavík (KEF). Bus station: Central Reykjavík (BSÍ).

    ● 숙박

    SEEDS participants will stay in a house in Reykjavík. The facilities are basic with showers, kitchen, washing machine and everyone is expected to show consideration for their companions.
    Participants will sleep in shared rooms in a sleeping bag accommodation. Please bring your own sleeping bag. Participants from other projects may also stay in the house for part of the time.
    We will receive food supplies and the group will be in charge of the cooking and cleaning activities. Do not forget some traditional/typical food, drinks and recipes from your home country for the international dinner.

    ● 언어


    ● 특별 요구사항

    * 현장납부비용 : 350 EUR
    [현장납부비 안내]
    본 워크캠프 참가를 위해서는 참가비 외 현장납부비를 현장에서 외화로 직접 납부하셔야 합니다. 자세한 사항은 [국가별 참가비]를 참고해주세요.
    Participation fee EUR 350 (Euros). Please note that these fees are to be paid to SEEDS on arrival in either Euros or Icelandic krónas.
    The fee includes transportation from the meeting point to the camp and back into SEEDS office (on the first and last day), as well as the visits to the Geothermal power plant, the recycling centre & the Golden Circle excursion.

    ● 중요사항

    [아이슬란드 워크캠프 특징]
    1)아이슬란드 항공권 & 미니버스
    아이슬란드 수도(Reykjavik) 이외의 지역에서 개최되는 워크캠프의 경우 캠프 기간 전후로 최소 하루의 여유를 두고 항공권을 준비하시기 바랍니다.
    아울러 아이슬란드는 대중교통이 발달되어 있지 않아 아이슬란드 기관에서는 수도 이외의 지역에서 개최되는 워크캠프의 참가자에게는 저렴한 가격의 교통수단(미니버스)를 제공하고 있습니다. 참가자들과 미팅포인트에서 만나 함께 캠프 개최지까지 미니버스로 이동하며, 미니버스 관련 내용은 합격 후 인포싯(infosheet)을 통해 안내드립니다.
    아이슬란드 워크캠프는 다른 국가의 워크캠프에 비해 참가자들의 자유시간이 많은 편입니다. 자유시간은 캠프 리더와 참가자 간의 상의 하에 결정(문화 교류, 근교 여행, 휴식 등)될 수 있습니다.
    3)방한복 구비
    아이슬란드는 비바람이 잦고 한 여름을 제외하고는 날씨가 매우 춥습니다. 따라서 방한복 및 방수복을 준비해 가시고, 여름에도 긴 소매의 옷을 가져가시는 것이 좋습니다.

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 침낭을 반드시 준비하시기 바랍니다.

    [프로그램 특징 안내]
    본 프로그램은 참가자 간의 문화교류활동 보다는 지역사회 발전 및 소통에 초첨을 맞추고 있습니다. 따라서, 참가가 수가 적을 수 있으나 지역사회 혹은 현지인과의 교류 측면에 중점을 둔다면 의미 있는 경험이 될 수 있을 것입니다. 다음의 분께 참가를 권장합니다.

    1) 지역 주민과의 교류에 관심이 많은 분
    2) 오픈 마인드로 봉사활동에 적극적으로 참가가 가능한 분

    ● 기타

    Some excursions (eg. Aurora Borealis/Northern lights, South Shore or Reykjanes) can be arranged at discount fares for SEEDS participants in case there is additional free time after the workshops or sessions of the camp.

    Weather may be cold and/or rainy, so we recommend to bring winter warm and/or waterproof clothes (overcoats, scarves, gloves and hats) as part of the project takes place outside.

    ● 참가보고서


    International Workcamp Organization

    이사장 염진수   |   고유번호 : 105-82-65584
    07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호   |   TEL : 02-330-2400   |   FAX : 02-330-2483

    © International Workcamp Organization   All rights reserved.