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    워크캠프 검색·신청

    지역 / 주제

    Age 19+ / 8
    Maki 1
    19-05-22 TO 19-06-02
    전체 설명
    보수 농업
    ● 주요내용

    This workcamp has been organized together with Maki Farm of Kyodo Gakusha (KG) since 2000. KG is a NPO running 5 organic farming communities in Japan where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, those who want to learn farming, etc. in order to change our society from competitive to cooperative. Maki Farm has 5-10 members and is located in a very isolated area (not accessible for cars and we have to walk 4 km in the mountains), so once it became an abandon village in 1970s.

    We will help their organic farming (weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care of goats and chicken) and also carry the things from the town, renovate the trails, help their house work, etc. Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with some brakes) and hard.

    ● 위치

    Very isolated, but beautiful place near “Japanese Northern Alps”. About 900 meters asl. There are something remained here that most of Japanese areas have lost in modernization.

    Tokyo (4 hours by express train or 6-8 hours by bus and train. You need to arrive at Narita airport by 04:00 a.m. on May 22nd and can leave there after 24:00 on Jun. 2nd.)

    ● 숙박

    Building for volunteers in the farm. Very beautiful cultural heritage! Meals will be cooked by volunteers by turns. Sleeping bag is necessary.

    ● 언어

    English(Japanese is also welcomed!)

    ● 특별 요구사항

    [영문지원동기서 첨부 안내]
    본 워크캠프 활동을 바탕으로 구체적인 참가동기, 관련 경험 등을 영문으로 작성한 지원동기서(Motivation Letter)를 신청서 작성 시 첨부해주시기 바랍니다.
    ▶파일형식: Microsoft Word
    ▶파일이름: 워크캠프 코드-영문이름(ML)
    (ex. EST08-Gildong_HONG(ML).docx)
    ▶첨부방법: 신청서 상의 ATTACHING FILE에 첨부

    Good Japanese language is not necessary, but still welcomed. You need to be physically strong and flexible to respect the way of the local host.

    ● 중요사항

    [비유럽 워크캠프 안내]
    본 워크캠프는 참가자 간의 문화교류활동 보다는 지역사회 발전과 현지인과의 교류에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 참가가 수가 적을 수는 있으나 지역사회 발전과 현지인과의 교류 측면에 중점을 둔다면 의미 있는 경험이 될 것이며, 다음의 분께 특히 참가를 권장합니다.
    -현지인과의 교류에 관심이 많은 분
    -유동적인 활동 일정에 유연하게 수용할 수 있는 분
    -오픈 마인드로 봉사활동에 적극적으로 참가할 수 있는 분
    -신청 전 아래 페이지를 확인하시기 바랍니다.

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 침낭을 반드시 준비하시기 바랍니다.

    ● 기타

    Similar type of communities in each country and their networking. Bring some info.!

    Visit to the elementary school, football and baseball (optional), exchange party, etc.

    ● 참가보고서
    Age 19+ / 8
    Maki 1
    18-05-23 TO 18-06-03
    전체 설명
    ● 주요내용

    Summary : Organic farming and nature life in the beautiful and traditional mountain communities in Japan. No road for cars, the only way to reach there is by walk for 1.5 hours!

    Background : This workcamp has been organized together with Maki Farm of Kyodo Gakusha (KG) since 2000. KG is a NPO running 5 organic farming communities in Japan where people with various backgrounds such as mentally disadvantaged, those who want to learn farming, etc. in order to change our society from competitive to cooperative. Maki Farm has 5-10 members and is located in a very isolated area (not accessible for cars and we have to walk 4 km in the mountains), so once it became an abandon village in 1970s.

    Work : We will help their organic farming (weeding in rice and vegetable fields, planting vegetables, taking care of goats and chicken) and also carry the things from the town, renovate the trails, help their house work, etc. Be ready to work for quite a long time (05:30-18:00 with some brakes) and hard.

    Study theme : Similar type of communities in each country and their networking.

    ● 위치

    Very isolated, but beautiful place near “Japanese Northern Alps”. About 900 meters asl. There are something remained here that most of Japanese areas have lost in modernization.

    Terminal : Tokyo (4 hours by express train or 6-8 hours by bus and train. You need to arrive at Narita airport by 04:00 a.m. on May 23rd and can leave there after 24:00 on Jun. 3rd.)

    ● 숙박

    Building for volunteers in the farm. Very beautiful cultural heritage!
    Meals will be cooked by volunteers by turns. Sleeping bag is necessary.

    ● 언어

    English (Japanese is also welcomed!)

    ● 특별 요구사항

    [영문지원동기서 첨부 안내]
    본 워크캠프 활동을 바탕으로 구체적인 참가동기, 관련 경험 등을 영문으로 작성한 지원동기서(Motivation Letter)를 신청서 작성 시 첨부해주시기 바랍니다.
    ▶파일형식: Microsoft Word
    ▶파일이름: 워크캠프 코드-영문이름(ML)
    (ex. EST08-Gildong_HONG(ML).docx)
    ▶첨부방법: 신청서 상의 ATTACHING FILE에 첨부

    ● 중요사항

    [비유럽 워크캠프 안내]
    본 워크캠프는 참가자 간의 문화교류활동 보다는 지역사회 발전과 현지인과의 교류에 초첨을 맞추고 있습니다. 참가가 수가 적을 수는 있으나 지역사회 발전과 현지인과의 교류 측면에 중점을 둔다면 의미 있는 경험이 될 것입니다.
    - 현지인과의 교류에 관심이 많은 분
    - 오픈 마인드로 봉사활동에 적극적으로 참가할 수 있는 분
    - 유동적인 활동 일정에 유연하게 수용할 수 있는 분
    에게 참가를 권장합니다. 신청 전 아래 링크를 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

    [침낭 구비 안내]
    개인 위생을 위해 개인용 침낭을 반드시 지참하시기 바랍니다.

    You need to be physically strong and flexible to respect the way of the local host. Motivation letter is needed!

    ● 기타

    Visit to the elementary school, football and baseball (optional), exchange party, etc.

    ● 참가보고서


    International Workcamp Organization

    이사장 염진수   |   고유번호 : 105-82-65584
    07547 서울시 강서구 양천로 583 우림블루나인 B동 1710호   |   TEL : 02-330-2400   |   FAX : 02-330-2483

    © International Workcamp Organization   All rights reserved.